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Lay Centre students visit Passionists' Generalate

Lay Centre students visit Passionists' Generalate

By Filipe Domingues
Our resident community visited the Caelium Hill and the Passionists' General House, 24 October, in keeping with the tradition of showing new residents around the beautiful grounds where The Lay Centre is located at the beginning of each academic year.
The hill is characterized by centuries of history, marked by the presence of Roman emperors Claudium and Nero, many Christian martyrs, such as John and Paul, and different religious congregations that lived on the hill since the seventh century.
In 1760, the pope asked the Passionist priests to care for the grounds, which are today the largest private gardens in the historic centre of Rome.
The Lay Centre is housed in the Passionist monastery since 2009. Every year, Passionist Father Denis Travers leads our resident community in a sightseeing expedition of the grounds.

Photo: Hansol Goo

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