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World Refugee Day: Sacred Art and the Refugee

World Refugee Day: Sacred Art and the Refugee

ROME — On World Refugee Day, June 20, The Lay Centre joins in solidarity with the international community and presents short video highlights from a special public series it held this past spring, called “Welcoming the Stranger.” The series addressed the pressing international concern for refugees from the perspective of faith.
In this eight-minute video, Professor Barbara Aniello, an art history professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University offers an analysis of significant depictions in sacred art of the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt. Her interpretations lead viewers to understand the great mercy and compassion Jesus has for refugees. A trained cellist, Professor Aniello also offers speaks of the art from a musician’s perspective.

Click here to watch the video.

Millions of people forcibly leave their homes each year due to war, persecution or natural disaster. Each year the international community recognizes their struggles and courage on World Refugee Day, June 20.
World Refugee Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the global refugee situation. The Lay Centre committed to doing its part in raising awareness on the issue with its six-week faith-based series, “Welcoming the Stranger.”
Educational materials on World Refugee Day were produced by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and are available here.
For more information on World Refugee Day, click here.

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