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My experience of American Thanksgiving

My experience of American Thanksgiving

by Christopher Donnelly
On Nov. 23, The Lay Centre community celebrated Thanksgiving together. This American national holiday finds its origins in the celebration of the first harvest of the year. More specific stories of the holiday suggest that it originated from the first harvest celebration shared by both the Native Americans and Pilgrims. The overall motif of the festivities is, unsurprisingly, that of giving thanks to not only what we have in our lives, but also to God.
Being Irish, most of the experience I had with Thanksgiving was through its portrayal in American film and television shows. While I was aware that the holiday was celebrated through a large meal involving a turkey each November, I knew very little else about its origins or any other festivities that took place on the day. I was not alone in this regard as many in The Lay Centre community come from countries that are unfamiliar with Thanksgiving. However, Susan, Alex and Samantha (our three American students) were incredibly excited to help us celebrate Thanksgiving in Rome as faithfully as possible; and in this endeavour they succeeded!
The festivities began at 6:30 p.m., with some aperitifs in the dining room, which had been beautifully decorated during the afternoon resulting in a warm, friendly and autumnal feel to the room. Alongside the regular selection of beverages was a festive apple and bourbon punch that was reminiscent of cold winter days at home, despite our being in Rome. Keeping the guests entertained while we waited for the hallmark Thanksgiving dinner were a number of Thanksgiving and American-inspired activities. The final touch to top everything off was the projection of the “Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade” and games of “American Football” on the rear wall of the room, both traditionally watched by Americans before, during and after the Thanksgiving meal.
We were then provided a short explanation of Thanksgiving and various traditions associated with the holiday, followed by a prayer of thanks read out by each of our American students and guests, in addition to a hymn sung by all in attendance. Immediately afterwards we came to what was arguably the main event, the Thanksgiving dinner, lovingly prepared by our wonderful chefs at The Lay Centre: Andrea, Laura and Sandro. On the menu were sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, sweetcorn, macaroni and cheese, and of course, turkey with stuffing, complimented with gravy and cranberry sauce. To finish our meal, we had some freshly baked apple tarts and pumpkin pie, alongside conversations and fun that lasted long into the evening.
Personally, Thanksgiving was a welcome experience, though unusual as it combined elements of other holidays which I was not used to seeing together. On the one hand, the autumnal feel of the celebrations alongside food such as pumpkin pie was very reminiscent of late October and Halloween in Ireland. On the other hand, the main course of roast, stuffed Turkey was identical to a traditional Christmas dinner. However, what was truly unique about Thanksgiving was the act of giving thanks itself. During our meal, everyone at our table shared something they were thankful for in their lives, an experience that was completely new to me. Overall, my experience of Thanksgiving was a warm and heartfelt celebration, one that I will remember (and miss!) when I return home.

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