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The Lay Centre organizes class on Global Christianity for University of St. Thomas

The Lay Centre organizes class on Global Christianity for University of St. Thomas

The Lay Centre was delighted to welcome students from the University of St. Thomas Rome CORE Semester Program for a course, Global Christianity. Donna Orsuto gave theological lectures both in and outside the classroom, and was joined by other experts for site visits that widened the students’ horizons and enhanced their understanding of Christianity.
The Lay Centre also engaged the students in a project about migrants and refugees. They met refugees firsthand, learned about the work of the Jesuit Refugee Service, the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center, the Missionaries of Charity. They also volunteered at the Caritas Project for unaccompanied minors.
In addition, The Lay Centre also organized opportunities for dialogue on related topics, inviting friends from the diplomatic service, the Vatican Curia, and various agencies, in order to make the students’ time in Rome as meaningful as possible.

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