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Spotlight: Community and a supportive environment conducive to study

Spotlight: Community and a supportive environment conducive to study

Susan Mulheron hails from Minnesota in the United States. A canon lawyer, she works as the chancellor for canonical affairs for the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. Susan is residing at The Lay Centre this term thanks to Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, who gave her permission to spend one semester in Rome to begin work on a doctorate in canon law at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. He recommended that she stay at The Lay Centre, which he described as “a very supportive environment.”
“I followed my archbishop’s advice and I'm so glad that I did! He was absolutely right about The Lay Centre,” she said. “I walked right into a wonderful community of friends with all of the comforts of home. People were welcoming and very helpful in getting me acclimated to Rome and ready to begin my studies. There is a very intentional community life here that is an anchor, especially when you are working long days. I can’t recommend The Lay Centre enough.”

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