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Morning Conferences - The indispensable gift of Hope

Abbot Edmund Power, OSB

Thursdays - February 15, 22 and March 1
Lenten Series mornings 09.30am-12pm

Antidotes to a Throwaway Culture - Lent at The Lay Centre

In a world that teaches us to see everything as disposable, including our time, our talents and our very personhood, the gift of hope is something that God offers us in our concrete daily realities in order to encourage, strengthen and embolden us to live according to the timeless values in accord with the dignity of the creation, our community and ourselves. In this three week series of reflection, the former Abbot of St Paul Outside the Walls, Abbot Edmund Power, OSB, will help us understand what this theological virtue is, how we can embrace it as a gift, and why it makes all the difference in our attempts to remedy a ‘throw-away’ culture. The morning will include two 45 minute sessions including time for discussion, with a coffee break. Each morning will end with the celebration of Mass.

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