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Jesus is risen, is truly risen, on the morning of the third day.

Jesus is risen, is truly risen, on the morning of the third day.

He lives again with true life, new and supernatural, conquering forever the great enemy, death.

He is risen.

How can we spread such a message in the world? …lis­ten. It is we who are the witnesses of this fact. We are the voice, renewed from year to year throughout history. We are the voice making itself heard in ever widening circles in the world. We are the voice that re­peats the irrefragable testi­mony of those who first saw Him with their own eyes and touched him with their hands and learned the un­heard of reality of the event that triumphantly surpasses the limits of all natural ex­perience. We are the trans­mitters from one generation to another, from nation to nation, of the life giving mes­sage of the Resurrection of Christ. It is the message of the faith, which like an an­gelic trumpet call rings out again today in Heaven and on Earth.

He is risen.

Christ is risen.


With this Easter Message, written by Paul VI in 1964, I wish for you and all dear to you a Blessed Easter.

Donna Orsuto
Director, The Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas

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