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Walking Together On The Way, With God, For Others - VPI 2018/19

Walking Together On The Way, With God, For Others - VPI 2018/19

On the Caelian Hill, in 595, Pope Gregory sent Augustine to evangelize the Anglo-Saxonpeople. In597, Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury. In October 2016, Pope Francis and the current Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby sent nineteen teams of Catholic and Anglican Bishops from various parts of the world on a common mission to evangelize.

This inaugural lecture will gather Christians living in Rome to celebrate our common baptism and reflect on what it means to walk together on the way, with God, for others. Incorporating both the writings of Gregory the Great and insights from recent ecumenical agreed statements, the aim is to offer new inspiration for promoting Christian unity through prayer, words and deeds.

Rev. Dr. Justin Lewis-Anthony is the Deputy Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome, having previously ministered in England, Canada and the United States. He was ordained in the Church of England twenty-six years ago, and is the author of three books on history and cultural theology. His first degree, in History, was taken at the London School of Economics, and his second, Theology, at the University of Oxford.



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