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Tattoos on the Heart: Contemporary Parables about Compassion and Kinship

Tattoos on the Heart: Contemporary Parables about Compassion and Kinship


VPI 2018-2019 - Thursday, 21 March at 5 p.m.


“Tattoos on the Heart: Contemporary Parables about Compassion and Kinship”

Rev. Greg Boyle, S.J., the founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, Calif., the largest gang intervention, rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world, will speak about contemporary parables about kinship and compassion drawn from over three decades of ministry as a Jesuit priest among demonized and marginalized gang members and felons in Los Angeles, the gang capital of the world.


The Lay Centre is located at Largo della Sanita’ Militare, 60, Rome, 00184.


You can register for this event below.



Read the original article