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Vatican II and the New Evangelization

Vatican II and the New Evangelization

The Lay Centre is collaborating for a sixth year with former Lay Centre resident Dr. Dianne Traflet, Dean of Immaculate Conception School of Theology at Seton Hall University, to organize an open to the public program of studies, in a group of at least 15 graduate students and lay ecclesial ministers for a week-long intensive three-credit course.
It will be taught by Dr. Donna Orsuto, from 16 to 22 June 2013.  Robert White will assist with site visits and discussions.  The program is also open to graduate students of Catholic Theological Union (Chicago, IL) and the Catholic Distance University.
Program Features:
- daily liturgical celebrations
- the summer term course is directed and taught by Dr. Donna Orsuto and various professors in Rome, including Prof. Robert White
- guided visits to significant churches and related sites
- opportunities for guided discussion and theological reflection
For more information, please contact Prof. Robert White:

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