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The Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas Choir 2021-2022

Lay Centre scholars use their musical talents

Members of The Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas Choir, from left to right:

Alberto Francesconi, Monica Prandi, Eilieen Meinert, Tina Galant, Loredana Fabjianic, Monica Borsari, Adrian Oancea and Elia Gittardi


ROME - The Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas Choir has new members this year. The scholars who make up the choir come from five different countries: Brazil, Croatia, Italy, Romania and the USA.

Lay Centre Leadership Scholar Loredana Fabijanic, whose main role in The Lay Centre community is co-ordinating activities related to faith and liturgy, has brought together some very talented scholars to form the choir. They rehearse regularly and lead the singing at the weekly community Mass. Fabijanic says she appreciates her role, which gives her the opportunity to work with many different people in new and diverse circumstances. She is from Croatia and is in her second year of the social science doctoral program at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas

Among the musically talented choir members is Tina Galant, also from Croatia, who is studying for a degree in choral conducting at the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music. In addition to being part of The Lay Centre choir, she is also working on a project with the rector of the nearby church of St. Thomas in Formis to organize music for their liturgies. She says “music helps believers to elevate their souls and experience the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.” 

We hope you will enjoy listening to a recent recording of PSALM 139 sung by The Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas Choir. 

For more information about living at The Lay Centre and available scholarships, please contact:

Photo and Video courtesy Lay Centre Leadership Scholar and choir member Mirticeli Dias Medeiros

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