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Good news from alumni around the world

Good news from alumni around the world

By Heather Walker

ROME — The past few weeks have ushered in good news from Lay Centre alumni around the world.

On Jan. 13, Dr. Sylvia Mullins (2012-14) of the United States and her husband, Michael, living in Helsinki, announced the birth of their daughter, Hazel. Ten days later, Jan. 23, Canadian alumna Katerine Perrault (2012-14) and her husband, Kenneth, living in Montreal, announced the birth of their son, Kristof.

Our congratulations also go out to Lay Centre alumnus Diogo Pessotto (2021), who successfully defended his doctoral thesis Feb. 9 at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Since the defense was online, a number of Lay Centre residents and staff were able to follow it from Rome.

Pessotto’s thesis is entitled, “Espírito e reforma. A noção teológica de reforma eclesial à luz dos enunciados pneumatológicos do magistério recente,” concentrated on the theological concept of church reform, from the Second Vatican Council to Pope Francis.

Pessotto recently started working at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná in southwest Brazil as a manager in the area of identity and mission.

Photos below courtesy Diogo Pessotto - Defending his thesis on Zoom and a day in the park with his family.

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