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Meet Adrian Teodor Oancea - Lay Centre 'Impact Fellow'

Meet Adrian Teodor Oancea - Lay Centre 'Impact Fellow'

Making a difference - Raising Awareness about Modern Slavery

By Heather Walker

ROME — Adrian Teodor Oancea has been working to raise awareness about modern slavery since he joined The Lay Centre community in September 2021. A graduate in Orthodox theology from the University of Bucharest, Oancea is studying in the licentiate program in Judaic studies and Jewish-Christian relations at the Cardinal Bea Centre of the Pontifical Gregorian University.

Oancea's mission as a Lay Centre Impact Fellow is to raise awareness about human trafficking and modern slavery in Italy within an ecumenical initiative, called "Out of the Shadows," that runs out of All Saints' Anglican Church in Rome. The initiative resulted from a series offered by All Saints in Lent 2021, called "Women in the Shadows." Out of the Shadows is a project of The Clewer Initiative of the Church of England to combat modern slavery. Oancea meets regularly with members of the Out of the Shadows initiative. The group consists mainly of members of the various Protestant, Anglican and Catholic churches in Rome as well as Mediterranean Hope, the Refugee and Migrant Programme of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI). 

As a Romanian Orthodox Christian, Oancea has also involved the the Romanian Orthodox church and Romanian community in Rome in this initiative. 

Through the generosity of Lay Centre benefactors, Oancea was granted a scholarship for this project for the 2021-2022 academic year. However, we are seeking benefactors to support his work in 2022-2023, as well as the work of other Impact Fellows.

Take this opportunity to help our students make an impact in the Church and in the world. Make a donation to the “Friends of The Lay Centre Fund,” set up through National Catholic Community Foundation (NCCF).

Click here to make a donation. Select “Friends of The Lay Centre Fund” from the drop-down list, "Designate this donation for a specific purpose."

Contact for further information.

Thank you.


Photo and image courtesy Adrian Teodor Oancea

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