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Lay Centre alum completes doctorate in biblical theology

Community evening at The Lay Centre

On March 3, Lay Centre alumnus Massimiliano Lolli from Bologna successfully defended his doctorate in theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University. The theme of his dissertation was "The Samaritan question in the Gospel of Luke. Soteriological, Christological and ecclesiological implications." Parallel to his pastoral ministry in his local church, particularly with young people, he now intends to become a biblical theology professor in Bologna.

While working a full-time IT job at the UniCredit bank and on his doctorate, Lolli has dedicated a lot of time to accompanying a group of 50 young people in his diocese. His journey witnesses to the commitment of lay people who embrace their mission to work for the Church, support young generations and never cease to put themselves at the service of others.

During a community evening at The Lay Centre on March 8, he reminded current community members how important it is to have “travel companions” who become points of reference on the journey of studying in Rome. He also encouraged everyone to follow their dreams and aspirations with strength and tenacity. 

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