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Dies Academicus 2023: A Call for Europe to Return to Christian Roots, by Filip Veber

Dies Academicus 2023: A Call for Europe to Return to Christian Roots, by Filip Veber

The Lay Centre community held, on Nov. 25, an open day in which they welcomed visitors and engaged in fruitful intellectual dialogue. Four Lay Centre residents presented topics they have been studying.

By Stefanie Bross

The Lay Centre community held, on Nov. 25, the “Dies Academicus 2023,” an open day in which they welcome visitors and engage in fruitful intellectual dialogue. Four Lay Centre residents presented topics they have been studying and discussed them with those present in the audience. After the sessions, guests joined the community for lunch. The presentations were very diverse and included topics in history, culture, psychology, theology and spirituality.

Filip Veber, a theology scholar and doctoral student at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Santa Croce), delved into Joseph Ratzinger's profound insights on "Creative Christian Minorities," advocating a return to Christian roots as a solution for contemporary Europe. He applied his in-depth understanding of Ratzinger's teachings to highlight the urgency for modern Christian communities to embody creative minorities within their societal contexts.

Drawing parallels with historical instances, such as the Jewish exile in Babylon, Veber elucidated how these minority groups thrived and sustained their identity despite challenging circumstances. Ratzinger's proposition of Christian minorities as transformative agents resonated throughout the presentation, emphasizing the importance of dialogue between faith and culture.

Veber's narrative emphasized Ratzinger's belief that by reconnecting with Christian roots, Europe can rediscover its moral and spiritual foundations. That Europe should return to its Christian roots, as proposed by Ratzinger, presents a compelling solution to the cultural complexities faced by contemporary Europe.

Watch his full intervetion on The Lay Centre's YouTube channel.

Read the original article