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Dies Academicus 2023: The Continuous Response to Divine Calling, by Maria Rocha

Dies Academicus 2023: The Continuous Response to Divine Calling, by Maria Rocha

The Lay Centre community held, on Nov. 25, an open day in which they welcomed visitors and engaged in fruitful intellectual dialogue. Four Lay Centre residents presented topics they have been studying.

The Lay Centre community held, on Nov. 25, the “Dies Academicus 2023,” an open day in which they welcome visitors and engage in fruitful intellectual dialogue. Four Lay Centre residents presented topics they have been studying and discussed them with those present in the audience. After the sessions, guests joined the community for lunch. The presentations were very diverse and included topics in history, culture, psychology, theology and spirituality.

In her presentation, "Between Revelation and Conversion: The Response of St. Augustine and Paul Claudel," Maria Rocha, a Philosphy graduate student at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) delved into the essence of revelation through the experiences of these two iconic figures. Inspired by a seminar led by Professor Jean-Luc Marion, Maria applied Marion's insights to examine how revelation unfolded in Augustine and Claudel's lives.
She highlighted the importance of witnesses, resistance and paradoxes in understanding revelation. Both Augustine and Claudel encountered moments that transcended the ordinary, leading to resistance before a deeper understanding unfolded. Maria described conversion not as a singular event but an ongoing process. Augustine saw his conversion as a daily alignment of his relationship with God, while Claudel's reflection on the Annunciation portrayed life as a continuous response to divine calling.
She concluded by echoing the significance of being a witness, connecting it to Hans Urs von Balthasar's reflections on the simplicity of Christianity. Maria emphasized aligning one's will with divine purpose, portraying life as a perpetual response to the divine call. Through Augustine and Claudel's narratives, Rocha's presentation revealed the transformative power of revelation and the enduring journey of conversion that defines the human experience.

Watch her full intervetion on The Lay Centre's YouTube channel.

Read the original article