ROME — With the approval of the board of directors, Lay Centre Director Dr. Donna Orsuto has appointed Dr. Filipe Domingues The Lay Centre’s new deputy director, effective Oct. 8.
Domingues, 34, joins The Lay Centre’s qualified staff, with the main goal of increasing the centre’s impact in the promotion of the laity and lay leadership, while adapting to the new and constantly changing demands of the Church.
Domingues, a Lay Centre alumnus (2012-2018), will collaborate directly with The Lay Centre director, assisting in the day-to-day coordination of activities, as well as in strategic planning and special projects.
A native of Brazil, Domingues spent most of his career in journalism, having covered religion, finance and the environment. During his six years in Rome, Domingues completed his licentiate and doctorate in social sciences at the Pontifical Gregorian University (2019).
His doctoral thesis on young people and their relationship with social media was edited into the book, “Selflessness in the Age of Selfies: What Young People Can Teach Us About Social Media’s Throw-away Culture” (G&B Press, 2021).
Domingues attended the 2018 Synod of Bishops on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment and, given his expertise in media ethics, was appointed by Pope Francis as a collaborator to the synod’s special secretary.
Domingues brings to The Lay Centre’s team his extensive knowledge of the Church and Vatican organizations, including academia in Rome, a first-hand experience of Lay Centre community life and his understanding of young people.
Photo courtesy Dr. Filipe Domingues